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Government Affairs Advocacy
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BIAOC Government Affairs fights to cut onerous government regulations to clear the path for new home construction and job creation.

BIAOC Successes Include:

Completely stopping and/or slowly phasing numerous fee increases as local jurisdictions look to generate revenue with the strengthening economy.​


Successful zone changes due to our broad pro-business coalition support and advocacy efforts.



Preventing water-meter moratoriums by working with local water districts, reminding them that new home construction is part of the drought solution.


Proactively working with local cities to create and implement flexible building standards aimed at generating infill development as cities struggle with land shortages and blight.


Our efforts to eliminate or modify regulations and unjustified fees have saved the industry tens of millions of dollars, now and in the future.


Our Political Action Committee (PAC) supports elected officials who understand the importance of homebuilding and home ownership.



For more information on our Government Affairs please contact

BIAOC Vice President Adam Wood at

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